Next to the dismal Friday's Bar which sits below, and is part of, the grubby Sacha's Britannia Hotel (hence we don't have to do it!), Idol's was Manchester's 1990s cheesy night out. Flimsily-dressed (topless at times) barmaids and cheap beer and shots abounded, and it was the same story downstairs in the Lazy Pig. This was the pre-club venue for many of the Piccadilly 21s-bound crowds (and shamefully, I was one for a time). Moho Live, the music venue, appear to have taken over the basement premises although they use a Tib Street entrance to the rear.

Fridays (Idol's formerly to the right; Lazy Pig downstairs). (c) googlemaps.
Popular on match days as well with those on the Blob Shop crawl. When the topless barmaids stopped, so did the interest.