Paddy's Goose, Bloom Street. (c) beerintheevening.
Paddy's Goose is number three of the pink pubs and by this stage of the evening things were getting hazy - good job, as we were too addled to notice any dodgy rent boys or dirty auld men, as reports elsewhere have complained of. As suspected it was full of blokes with impressive bangers or blokes dressed as women and many other strange and varied sights.
Quick pint and it was on to the next one, but it's off the list now, cant see us returning in a hurry. Unfortunately no real ale, as despite being told there would be, it was nowhere to be seen. Previously known as the Fleece Inn, Rams Head and Kingston, and seen in the 1970s as a Wilsons house.

Kingston Hotel, Bloom Street, 1960s. (c) www.northmanchester.net.
One time regular in the GBG, it always used to sell 2 or 3 real ales, including Robinsons and Landlord. Haven't been in for ages and looks like I won't be any time soon!