Manchester Central / GMEX. (c) googlemaps.
Manchester Central Station was built between 1875 and 1880 and served passengers until its closure in May 1969. As was speculated in the Admiral Collingwood on Fleet Street entry, there were indeed plenty of pubs lost when the station was built.

Area where Central Station was built in 1875-1880. (c) Alan Godfrey Maps [1].
There were warrens of streets in this area, the main ones being Great Mount Street (parallel and south of Windmill Street); Trumpet Street, Lombard Street and Fleet Street (all parallel and north of Trafford Street), Strand Street (parallel to Deansgate) and Alport Town (an open area off Deansgate opposite Camp Street) [1]. Pubs lost when the station and accompanying Great Northern Warehouse were built in this area include:
- Phoenix Buffalo Vaults, Fleet Street
- King William the VI Inn, Fleet Street (next door)
- Fox Tavern, Lombard Street
- Rose & Crown, Lombard Street
- Caledonian Tavern, Strand Street
- Admiral Collingwood, Fleet Street
- Black Horse Inn, Alport Town
- Cotton Treet Tavern, Great Mount Street
- George the 4th, Great Mount Street
- Kings Arms or Cumberland House, Windmill Street
- Shakespeare, Windmill Street
- Printer's Arms, Newberry Street
- Plasterer's Arms, Gregson Street
1. Manchester (Oxford Street & Gaythorn) 1849, Alan Godfrey Maps (2010).
Phoenix Buffalo Vaults-now that's a real name for a pub!