The pubs that used to stand on Deansgate before the Great Northern Warehouse was built didn't warrant inclusion in the Beneath Central Station entry, so here goes. The Railway Inn was across from St John Street, which places it here where the Shepherd Gilmour estate agents is at 86 Deansgate. The Railway Inn was kept by William White according to the Slater's Directory on the 1849 map, confusingly, at 221 Deansgate [1]. The map shows that attached to the rear of the inn was the Railway Inn Vaults which was undoubtedly the same premises but looks like it had a back entrance on Little Alport, off Gregson Street.

Former location of Railway Inn, Deansgate. (c) googlemaps.
1. Manchester (Oxford Street & Gaythorn), Alan Godfrey Maps (2010).
Shepherd Gilmour shurely? Or have I had too much Humdinger tonight?