Pubs of Manchester

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A history of Manchester's hundreds of lost pubs.

Thursday, 3 February 2011

North Westward Ho!, Pomona Dock

North Westward Ho!, Pomona Docks. (c) Chris Bluer / Jud Evans [1].

South of Manchester city centre lies Pomona Dock, seen here in 1925, a reminder of the once thriving Port of Manchester at the end of the Manchester Ship Canal.  While the main docks have been regenerated into Salford Quays, with the BBC moving significant parts of their programming to the site, the smaller Pomona Dock further up the canal towards town remains largely derelict due to ground pollution.  

Pomona Docks. (c)

In the 1970s, Pomona Docks was home to one of Manchester's strangest public houses, the North Westward Ho! pubship.  The North Westward Ho ship (b.1938) was bought by Jud Evans in 1972, and after permission was granted for a spot and for an alcohol licence from the Manchester Ship Canal Company and the Licensing Magistrates, the ship was sailed up from Cornwall, down the Ship Canal and birthed at Pomona.  

North Westward Ho, Pomona Docks. (c) Chris Bluer / Jud Evans [1].

A 12-month refit saw her kitted out as the North Westward Ho!, a plush bar and restaurant, offering six bars, Bass ale, late licence and disco - though note the strict dress code!  The success of the ship led to a comet jet being purchased from the RAF and parked next dor to act as an overflow venue, complete with dancefloor [2].

North Westward Ho!, Pomona Docks. (c) Chris Bluer / Jud Evans [1].

After a good decade, the North Westward Ho! closed and was eventually broken up in 1996 [3].  A regular at the Westward Ho and local businessman, Chris Bluer, supplied the above images from a 1973 newspaper cutting [1].

North Westward Ho!, Pomona Docks. (c) Chris Bluer / Jud Evans [1].


  1. this was a magical night out with great food(chicken in basket)and disco.Great place to impress friends .

  2. I spent a couple of very happy evenings at The Boat, it's something that we could do with again in Manchester, particularly in Salford Quays which is a souless place in the evenings.

  3. maybe the arrival of BBC North and Corrie to the Quays will see something like this return.

    Sadly I don't think Pomona Docks can be rescued any time soon... rumour is the land is too contaminated to do much with - owned by Peel though isn't it?

  4. Hi my grandad worked at Pomona docks, he was a stilt-walker. He used to go around the docks on stilts, whilst mumbling screech higgywiggy vartch wobble fish tank gordon steev hogwash. Apparently the reason they have not been redeveloped is because of the urrrgh - werrrgh flip-flops and deebdeeb johnsons, there's just took many dingdongs and jib jabs for the dock to be profitable, that, and all the stilts underwater.

    1. My aunty Dorris was a silt Wafter for British Carbollock.She would de-scale soiled trout for local butchers to use in gravy.She fell into dock 3 and was famously rescued by popular t.v host and inventor of clingfilm,Katie Boyle,who was filming a water scene for her new show "Down the Docks with Katie.

    2. Silt? Must have been hard work lol

  5. I'm typing up some notes for our family history and thought I'd look up the North Westward Ho. My husband and I had our 2nd real date on that ship with friends on 16th April 1977. What a great time we had.

  6. I was there in the early 70's and the DJ used to play a track called Prisencolinensinainciusol.
    I know, strange long name. Its by Adriano Celantano.
    Check out the video on You Tube. I'd been trying to find the track for years, all i had in my head was the name, then I found it.
    used to go there with a guy from Oldham, sorry forgot his name.

    1. This brought so many memories back, i couldn't remember the name of the track, thanks for the memory. was the DJ who used to play it all the time called Dave ?

    2. I was a DJ there and loved that track

  7. I was one of the Electrician's along with Pete Mitcham, of Stretford Manchester laterly of Winchem, Nr. Pickmere/Northwich. We worked on the Westward Ho from 1974/75 & have many a story of the evolution from a German design powered engine to a plush Manchester Night Club/Restaurant. We knew the owners & was their when the Comet 4 was placed on the keyside. I stil have a scar on my thumb of where I fell from the wing. This initiative was the first to improve the whole Upper Irwell/Manchester Ship Canal & Salford Quay's project which is still to be completed especially around the Pomona Quay's area.

  8. I was the lead singer of a group called 'The Northern Lights' who used to perform at The Westward Ho, great venue and many happy memories of performing there circa 1978-1980.....anyone remember ?

    1. I remember you mate, I was a DJ there

    2. Have you lot learnt how to play hotel California without the wrong key yet? Lol

    3. Hi there I remember those happy days very well... I was a Barmaid there for quite a while... The eagles have just been on the radio Which made me think of the band who played in the bar downstairs... They played hotel california regularly... The lead singer was called Trevor if recall... I was there when when Bernard manning was recording Wheeltappers for TV and worked on the comet aircraft as well. Good Times indeed...

    4. You must have been there when I was a dj there x

    5. Must have been... Don't think the comet was there when I started but certainly worked on it serving jacket spuds and tomato soup.., a feast indeed. I usually worked on the bar downstairs plus the little one upstairs sometimes and the big one too... It was 45 years ago, omg

    6. Yes must have been hun, I was known as Kenny King then, slim and was told I looked like noel edmonds lol

    7. I remember you being the dj back then... And I know what you mean abour being slim in those days - I was too!! Happy times :)

    8. Very happy times hun x

  9. we had a custom cars club at the westward ho! called northern road stars... the plane was there too.

  10. we had a custom car club called northern road stars at the westward ho anyone recall anything about it

    1. northern road stars Wednesday nights

    2. Steve Davenport14 June 2016 at 23:34

      I used to be in that club. I had the Triumph Herald. My brother in law was Geoff Heath and his mate was called Gerald Boyle with the Capri

    3. hi there
      it was bill broster v6 mk3 Cortina and kev lewis ford pop that started the northern roadstars up at the boat
      in the late 70s
      there was many a great Wednesday night there

    4. I had the Blue metallic Morris 1000 with the hemi popping thru the bonnet

  11. We used to go for a night out at The Westward was difficult to play pool as the vessel would rise and fall with the swell.Always caught out by the missus as she could smell the fuel on my clothes as I crept back in early in the morning

  12. Used to go there 1980 and strut my Saturday night fever. Brilliant night out. Someone should do this again I am sure it would be really popular because have a plane and a boat as nightclubs was pretty awesome.

    1. Been in clubs all over the country but you are so right,this boat/Plane combination was unique. We had many great nights there in the 1970's early 8o's.BRING IT BACK! I remember live music and fine dining. Todays youth would love it.

    2. I agree, have an oldies night. Haha. I'll gladly do it, still got all the records, in fact only retired from being a DJ, 2 years ago.

    3. Me too lol

  13. We had a works do there in 1974 and had a great night out. The last time I went was 1979 when I went for a drink early doors with a couple of friends. Unfortunately toward the end of its life it got a bit run down according to a mate. If anyone has the box set of a TV series called Alfresco, there is a comedy sketch filmed on the opposite bank and the boat can clearly be seen moored. This would have been around 1983 ish

  14. Worked on the boat. During the holidays Stocked up the bars. Work with two friends back in the days. Micky and Phil .

  15. Many good nights spent here celebrated my 18 th here with a meal and on to the discox

  16. Captain Ronald Fish.1 April 2017 at 20:38

    Twas a lively slanted knees up on board ye old floater with ye damsons in minis and landlubbers all flared.Aye twas Barry Whites my first my last that warmed up ye cockles in the crisp Cornbrook air under stars of gold.

    1. Chief petty officer Denzil Crabtree2 April 2017 at 10:10

      Beautiful words captain!

  17. Was a DJ on there from 1978 to 1981 Kenny

  18. Captain Fisher.Manchester Liners.7 March 2018 at 19:22

    Shame the extremely rich peel holdings family can't put down the caviar and champaigne for a moment and instead of flogging off chunks of the canal corridor to make more millions,bring an actual SHIP up this once great waterway for the pleasure of the people of Manchester.Can't believe not ONE ship at the Quays.Take a look at Liverpool!!that's how you develop docklands.

  19. Me Uncle Jud started this ship a-rollin'. A man of vision, and an able seaman!

  20. 41 years later, im still with the same girl i met on the boat.

  21. Used to go regular to the boat mid 70s drinks first in Hulme then to the westward always liked the track rock the boat by Hughes corporation seemed appropriate after a few beers great different night out pity nothing like that anymore

  22. Got a few pics of the boat on my Facebook page, Kenny milward neild, if anyone want to see them🤔 also anyone who went there in the 70s

  23. I ws at her launching in 1938 aged 9. travelled between Southampton and Cowes quite often to visit my Grandma who lived at Gurnard on the Isle of Wight. In those days it was the Vecta.

  24. Tommy Ramsey from Stretford .used to sample a good variety of clubs in the 1970s/1980s remember Stretford lodge.the sands.el patio disco upstairs .but the boat was always the best.had to watch your step when leaving after a few beers .visited the sight where boat used to be moored brought back fond memories

  25. Hi! I wanted to see where you sourced the images credited to Chris Bluer / Jud Evans and who owns the copyright? Any help would be greatly appreciated! My email is -

  26. Hi. I always remember those great nights use to go 3 times a week. With my mates platform shoes Ben Sherman’s etc. The greatest music of all time BARRY WHITE GEORGE MCRAE. JOHNY BRISTOL AND LOTS MORE , HAD MY 21 st on their and my mate fell down the steep stairs , and broke is foot. going to watch the band. Memories. 🕺🏻I use to know the disc jockey at that time think he was called Steve had a girlfriend on their who was in charge of bar staff. Sue I think.

  27. I meet my x husband on there we had great nights out on there

  28. Surprised not many more people comment about the boat .as it was a great night out and totally different from anything else in the area .great pubs nearby .the star .the regiment .Pomona palace.sadly none of any remain.I remember as if it was yesterday.shame can't go back in time

  29. Agreed, it was very memorable. My now wife sandy, loved it there too. I also DJ in the star.

  30. Seemed to remember quite a strict dress code at one time to get in.the latter months seemed to go down hill.visited site recently.struggled to find exact site on canal and then remembered the arches at end of Hulme hall everything has changed.

  31. I remember going to the boat for the first what a great night out .a bit cold on deck in winter.various rooms down quite addicted.and went were quite right did lose some of its sparkle near the end.nothing now to match it.pity Salford quays couldn't do something like it

  32. Thinking of doing a meet with people who use to go on the boat, let me know if your all interested, can even arrange a disco with 70s and 80s music, I live in the south now, but if interest is good, will come back up there. And do it. I still have lots of family in and around Manchester. Will get my decks out. Hahaha

  33. Pity I can't put a photo on here, as I have one of me in the upstairs disco box I worked in.

  34. Used to go mid 70s.lots of pubs nearby so not far to the boat after a few beers.bit crowded downstairs when full.but still a good night out.i remember the comet plane as well but never went in.if I remember you had to be smartly dressed to get aboard the boat.aged 70 now and still remember the boat and even where it was berthed.if I won the lottery tomorrow would be tempted to put another nightclub boat on the canal

  35. Kev.
    Remember taking my girlfriend on board to impress her.Recall standing on the entrance deck and showing her the engine room then a babysham in the disco bar before dancing to the Bee Gees then into to the lounge for chicken in the basket.It worked!! still married .

  36. Pomona docks were rammed full of smaller ships in its heyday.We lived in fallowfield and a new year treat was listening to all the ships horns at 12.00.Really loud and a few miles away.
    We would then go inside near the coal fire and sip advocat and smoke king edward cigars as we watched black and white scottish tv shows until 12.30 when god save the queen was played as we stood to attention around the fireplace.
    Then off to bed with water bottles and bucket to wee in.We would cover the Budgie cage ensuring plenty of millet and "Trill" for the night.

  37. Magical memories Mr Mouse.Ore house the same but more Budgies so much bigger blanket and lots more trill and millet (purchased loose for better value).
