The Dog & Partridge was one of the first beerhouses to open in Ancoats in the late 1830s in what used to be a chemist's. It survived until 1907 despite its poor structural condition, when the licensee was done for permitting drunkenness. The Dog & Partridge was described as having "a rough class of customers, including women and young persons... it would be a blessing for the neighbourhood if it was closed [1]." It stood on the corner of Henry Street, next door to the Dargan Arms - nowadays this is between the still-open Crown & Kettle and the still-standing Cheshire Cheese.

Former location of Dog & Partridge, Oldham Road. (c) Google 2010. View Larger Map.

Former location of Dog & Partridge, Oldham Road. (c) Google 2010. View Larger Map.
1. The Old Pubs of Ancoats, Neil Richardson (1987).
Splendid site, for which many thanks. Loved the bit about the pub being closed because of the naughty elements. Does anyone know when it ceased being a music hall ? It says above: "it would be a blessing for the neighbourhood if it was closed [1]." Where does the quote come from ?