Metro Bar, Victoria Station, 2008 (c) markydeedrop at skyscrapercity.
This depressing place sits in what was once an opulent station pub many moons ago. The Metro Bar is so bad we're not including it on the list of places to visit. It probably wasn't much better in 1988. When you consider the great boozers at stations on the outskirts of Manchester - Stalybridge's Buffet Bar, Urmston's Steamhouse, Huddersfield's Head of Steam, etc. - it's a shame this place can't become a decent venue for a pre- or post-journey snifter. Manchester Confidential even ran a campaign to try to sort this shithole out.

Metro Bar, Victoria Station. (c) Manchester Confidential.
Used to sell Bass and Boddingtons. You could get them in a plastic glass and then amble to the platform-those were the days!