Former Wenlock Arms, Oldham Road, 2012. (c) Google 2012. View Larger Map.
The Wenlock Arms was opposite the recently demolished Nelson (its empty plot right, above) on the corner of Radium Street and Oldham Road. The Wenlock opened in the 1850s when John Sinclair was granted a licence to turn his shop into a beerhouse [1]. It closed in 1943 and became A. Longworth & Sons, a plumbing, sanitation, heating and ventilation shop, which effectively utilised the pub tiling as seen in 1961. Although the building which still stands on Oldham Road doesn't look that old it has been clad and is the original Wenlock. Only a couple years ago it was a grim, grey colour, instead of a whitewashed wine shop; note the still-standing black Nelson on the right, below.

Former Wenlock Arms, Oldham Road, 2009. (c) Google 2010. View Larger Map.
1. The Old Pubs of Ancoats, Neil Richardson (1987).
The whole grey-clad building is the pub that closed in 1943. There is a photo in the Manchester archives showing the former pub as a plumbing shop still with it's tiling on the outside. I found it by searching for Radium Street/Oldham Road.