The Greengrocer's Arms was between Cotton Street and Murray Street, near to the impressive St Peters Church. The Greengrocers opened in the 1830s and closed as a Kays Atlas house in 1907. It was ordered to close as the magistrates said the beerhouse was not needed in the area, the accommodation was poor and inadequate, there were plenty of other licenced houses in the area, plus the landlady Louisa Koehler was only selling four barrels of ale per week [1].
The huge St Peters Church here on Blossom Street has a 1,000-capacity, and has been the subject of a great restoration project by the Ancoats Building Preservation Trust, standing in the heart of the Ancoats Conservation Area. The before and after photos above show what a poor state St Peters had deteriorated to (like old Ancoats as whole) before its restoration, which included the tower.
St Peters Church, Blossom Street, 1986 & '00s. (c) Ancoats Building Preservation Trust.
The huge St Peters Church here on Blossom Street has a 1,000-capacity, and has been the subject of a great restoration project by the Ancoats Building Preservation Trust, standing in the heart of the Ancoats Conservation Area. The before and after photos above show what a poor state St Peters had deteriorated to (like old Ancoats as whole) before its restoration, which included the tower.

1. The Old Pubs of Ancoats, Neil Richardson (1987).
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