Pubs of Manchester

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A history of Manchester's hundreds of lost pubs.

Sunday, 27 April 2014

Morning Star, Bolton Road

Morning Star, Bolton Road, Pendlebury. (c) Neil Richardson & Roger Hall [1].

The Morning Star opened in 1860 on the corner of George Street and Bolton Road, Pendlebury.  The beerhouse was owned by the Worsley Brewery Company and had only five landlords in its 77 years before it closed in 1937.  There is no evidence for why the Morning Star was closed, and Neil Richardson and Roger Hall [1] speculate that it was simply deemed an unnecessary beerhouse.  There were four others within a stone's throw, including the still-standing but long-closed Station Hotel, named after the old Pendlebury Station.  What is not in doubt was that the 1930s were a tough time for pubs around this part of Salford, with the slump in heavy industry and the start of the slum housing clearance programmes [1].  George Street has been lost but the Morning Star stood midway between Swinton Hall Road and where the railway line passed under Bolton Road.

Former location of Morning Star, Bolton Road. (c) Google 2014. View Larger Map.

1. The Pubs of Swinton & Pendlebury (Including Clifton and Newton), Neil Richardson & Roger Hall (1981).


  1. Is this the pub in the lowry painting,only part of the signage is visible



  2. It almost certainly is. Great spot.

  3. The painting shows 410 on the "shop" on the other side of " George St " , which makes it right where the photo puts it...opposite Melbourne St , the Old Station House ( now an Italian Eatery /Hotel ) is No390 , and the back side of the housing estate has Old Mill Close...
