Former site of Royal Olympic Tavern, Stevenon Square. (c) googlemaps.
This large building on the corner of Stevenson Square and Spear Street was once the Royal Olympic Tavern. As seen on the 1849 map below, the Royal Olympic appeared to stretch back over the block to Faraday Street (then Friday Street), so its back entrance would have faced the Crown & Mitre [1].

Royal Olympic Tavern, Stevenson Square, 1849. (c) Alan Godfrey Maps [1].

Former site of rear of Royal Olympic Tavern, Spear Street. (c) googlemaps.
1. Manchester (Piccadilly) 1849, Alan Godfrey Maps (2009).
This large building on the corner of Stevenson Square and Spear Street was once the Royal Olympic Tavern. As seen on the 1849 map below, the Royal Olympic appeared to stretch back over the block to Faraday Street (then Friday Street), so its back entrance would have faced the Crown & Mitre [1].

Royal Olympic Tavern, Stevenson Square, 1849. (c) Alan Godfrey Maps [1].
The building today looks fair old; whether it's 170 years old is very doubtful, but to the rear it looks pretty decrepit.

Former site of rear of Royal Olympic Tavern, Spear Street. (c) googlemaps.
1. Manchester (Piccadilly) 1849, Alan Godfrey Maps (2009).
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