Beat 'n' Track, Whitworth Street West. (c) carling/Local Data Company.
As Beat 'n' Track this place was open during the day as more of a bar than a club in the late '90s, early '00s. This odd venue opposite Deansgate Locks, built onto the old Knott Mill / Deansgate station became Area 51, a poncey all-night club, having been a few different names over recent years including Emporia nightclub.
Beat'n Track, Whitworth Street West. (c) essxboys94 at youtube.
However, this closed in July 2010 [1]. There is a gentleman's club next door, Obsessions, which being wholesome chaps, of course, we haven't visited (there are no pictures of ale on the 'Gallery' section).
However, this closed in July 2010 [1]. There is a gentleman's club next door, Obsessions, which being wholesome chaps, of course, we haven't visited (there are no pictures of ale on the 'Gallery' section).

Area 51, Whitworth Street West. (c) googlemaps.
Loved this place so much. The young guy who ran it was a gem. So many happy memories. Devistated when it closed down