Former location of Eagle Inn, Tuer Street. (c) googlemaps.
Tuer Street is still shown on googlemaps, off Oxford Road on the same side and, and before, the main University buildings. Its old terraced properties are long since demolished, shown in 1956 looking dilapidated and later in 1956 being pulled down with residents looking on sadly. Eagle Street, seen here in 1908, was off the bottom of Tuer Street and gave its name to Tuer Street's pub, the Eagle Inn. Shown below on the 1848 map, it was run by a Christopher Batty, who was also a coach and omnibus proprietor [1]. However, the Eagle closed in 1914 and was also known as the Golden Eagle [2].
1. Chorlton-on-Medlock 1848, Alan Godfrey Maps (2011).
2. The old pubs of Hulme and Chorlton-on-Medlock, Bob Potts (1997).
Thomas Crookall, ancestor of mine was innkeeper in 1820s. He also had the Blackfriars Inn same deacade