The Star was a pre-match haunt of ours for a couple of seasons when us young, impressionable lads were dragged in here while our dads supped pints of Wilsons before continuing the drive to Maine Road. It was a classic multi-roomed pub, from memory, with a central bar and a very friendly landlord who even bought us lads Xmas presents one year (remember being well pissed off when I only got a selection box yet my mate got a fiver when the landlord was short of prezzies - in them days that would have paid for a seasons worth of Wagon Wheels at the match!).

Star, Hyde Road, Ardwick. (c) googlemaps.
The pub always seemed busy enough with locals from Fort Ardwick (the unforgettable council flats behind the pub - officially known as Coverdale Crescent), the estate, and the Ardwick Bus Depot opposite. However, when the Council pulled the flats down and razed most of the estate - as they did with the new Hulme estate and its infamous Crescents - the pub seemed to struggle through lack of custom and had been closed for a good few years now. The Star, seen here in 1971, never fails to bring back good memories whenever I pass it though.
Fort Ardwick, Coverdale Crescent flats, Ardwick. (c) Manchester History.
We had some great nights in there in the eighties when we were students living in the flats. The landlord was always glad to see us. Happy days.