Friday 9 September 2011

Falcon, Merrill Street

Falcon, Merrill Street, Ancoats. (c) Alan Winfield at pubsgalore.

The Falcon was a former Cornbrook Ales house on Mitchell Street (now Merrill Street) near the still surviving Mitchell Arms at Holt Town, Ancoats.  The beerhouse was licensed in 1848 and had a brewhouse behind it in Price Street until the 1860s.  Mick Burke remembers how drinkers in the Falcon would be given free pipes by the pub from the nearby clay pipe works.  They would swill a new pipe in their ale to season it before lighting up [2].  The Falcon survived into the 1990s but by then was a keg-only freehouse with Bass, Websters Green Label and John Smiths offering an uninspiring choice [1].  The pub has been pulled down but the housing next door remains.

Former location of the Falcon, Merrill Street, Ancoats. (c) googlemaps. 

2. The Old Pubs of Ancoats, Neil Richardson (1987).

1 comment:

  1. My uncle's old favourite, he practically lived in here in the late 80s. Many a time I was sent in to try to drag him out!
