Saturday 6 November 2010

Guest Pub - Brovaria, Stary Rynek, Poznań

Brovaria, Stary Rynek, Poznań. (c) Pubs of Manchester / ticktock.

The most recent stage of our ongoing tour of Europe took us to Poznań, Poland.  Upon leaving the match we faced an unappealing schlep to the old market square through a city whose suburbs looked to us as being astonishingly devoid of watering holes for the thirsty traveller.  Fortunately we managed to flag down a taxi and after a few twists and turns to avoid the horrendous traffic we arrived at our destination.

Brovaria, Stary Rynek, Poznań. (c) Pubs of Manchester / ticktock.

Brovaria is a rather upmarket and very busy brew pub right on the main square, Stary Rynek.  Location and status are reflected in the prices and we settled on the Brovaria Miodowe.  At 9 złoty (a little over £2 at current exchange rates) for a ‘Maximillian’ (about a pint) it was still hardly breaking the bank.  We settled in the smaller ground floor bar area and enjoyed several drinks and conversation with the friendly locals.  The pride and passion that the Lech supporters showed during the match was mirrored by the generosity and graciousness they showed to the visiting Mancunians in here.

Brovaria, Stary Rynek, Poznań. (c) Pubs of Manchester / ticktock.

The Miodowe (honey) beer is brewed on the premises in the establishment’s own microbrewery with a small selection of other beers.  The brewing vats themselves are a feature of the large upstairs bar area.  Modern, bright and shiny, they are constructed so as to avoid producing the all pervading smell of the brewer’s craft that can sometimes detract from a trip to such a place.  Although the equipment is modern, the techniques used to brew the nectar are ancient.  The beer is naturally clouded, has flavour and body and is a proper ale, far removed from the ‘fizzy lager’ served up in many British and continental pubs.

Brovaria, Stary Rynek, Poznań. (c) Pubs of Manchester / ticktock.

The pub has a restaurant area with food at very reasonable prices but as this was completely separate it did not interfere with the drinking experience.  The address dates back to the 15th Century but the current building was completed as late as 1955 having been rebuilt after the war with respect to history and architectural traditions with Brovaria opening its doors in 2004.

Brovaria, Stary Rynek, Poznań. (c) Pubs of Manchester / ticktock.

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