Tuesday 2 November 2010

133. New York New York, Bloom Street

New York New York, Bloom Street. (c) Their Facebook.

The last of the proper pubs we're covering in the Gay Village (the rest are bars or clubs and from limited past experience, are rarely inclusive and offer nowt in the way of decent ale).  Back in the day, when the Village didn't really exist, it was a Wilsons house called simply the New York as shown here in the 1950s, here in the '70s and here in 1986 ("Foster's Lager the Australian Pint").  These days a plush conversion has turned the old ale house into a reasonable bar.  Pleasingly some ale was on offer, even it was only bottles of Newcy Brown, but that's better than nothing.  The friendly and suitably camp bar staff were happy to serve half a dozen of us in the quieter vault.

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