Sunday 28 June 2015

Locomotive, Longnor Walk

Locomotive, Longnor Walk, West Gorton. (c) Tim Martin with kind permission.

The Locomotive was a Greenall Whitley's estate pub on Longnor Walk on the West Gorton estate, named after the Manchester to London railway nearby.

Locomotive, Longnor Walk. (c) Manchester Local Image Collection. Click here to view full image [1].

Pictured at the archives in 1972, the Locomotive was rather crammed in amongst the new-build council houses.

Locomotive, Longnor Walk. (c) Old-Maps [2].

Two side views to the Locomotive are also shown in 1972. The old Marsland pub was down the road, but like the Loco, this has also been lost.

Locomotive, Longnor Walk. (c) Old-Maps [2].

The Locomotive has been swept away, leaving that characteristic pub-shaped footprint so familiar to estates like this.

Former location of Locomotive, Rostron Avenue. (c) Google 2015. View Larger Map.

West Gorton is now another of Manchester's pub-free zones.

Locomotive, Longnor Walk. (c) Tim Martin with kind permission.

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