Wednesday 10 July 2013

Metz Cafe Bar, Brazil Street

Metz Cafe Bar, Brazil Street. (c) Alan Winfield with permission.

On the fringe of the Gay Village, Eden is a restaurant-with-bar with a rear entrance on Brazil Street but you have to cross the canal on Canal Street to reach the front via a moored barge.  This is the view from Sackville Street with Canel Street to the right:

Eden, off Canal Street. (c) Google 2013. View Larger Map.

The barge on the canal which forms part of Eden is reminiscent of the 1970s when this area was not officially titled the Gay Village (but apparently was in practice), and had a couple of floating bars and restaurants, one of which was the City Barge.

Eden, off Canal Street, 2008. (c) Supermarmo at Panoramio.

In the mid-'90s Eden was known as Metz Cafe Bar, when its had a bit more of an entrance on Brazil Street.  In 1995 Alan Winfield, pub ticker extraordinaire, visited a closed-looking Metz where only keg Boddingtons was on offer after gaining entry.

Eden, Brazil Street. (c) Google 2013. View Larger Map.

There is another Brazil Street establishment we're aware of - Mr Smiths - but it's difficult to tell from the poor-quality image whether it's the same place.

1 comment:

  1. Mr Smith's was the building next door, now demolished. It was No.1 Brazil Street. Brazil Place opened up and lead out to Whitworth far as I can work out.
