Sunday 3 March 2013

Olive Branch, Briggs Street

Olive Branch, Briggs Street, Adelphi, Salford. (c) Neil Richardson [1].

This great photo taken before a lads' day out was taken outside the Olive Branch beerhouse on Briggs Street, probably in the 1950s or '60s, seeing as the boozer closed in 1964.  The Olive Branch opened around 1855, passing to Watson & Woodhead Brewery in 1896 then Chesters Brewery in 1907.  The St Matthias No.2 compulsory purchase order in the early 1960s for the redevelopment of Adelphi saw off the Olive Branch [1].  The top end of Briggs Street still runs off North Hill Street, but the lower end, off Arlington Street has been renamed Barnett Drive, and this is where the Olive Branch stood.

Former location of Olive Branch, Barnett Drive (former Briggs Street). (c) Google 2013. View Larger Map.

1. Salford Pubs Part One: The Old Town, including Chapel Street, Greengate and the Adelphi, Neil Richardson (2003).

1 comment:

  1. Remember it well, we lived almost opposite the pub and had to move in 1961.
