Sunday 16 October 2011

Bridge, Lower Broughton Road

Bridge, Lower Broughton Road, Salford. (c) Neil Richardson [1].

The Bridge once stood on Lower Broughton Road opposite - and presumably named after - the Gerald Road suspension bridge, which still operates as a pedestrianised bridge on St Boniface Road.  The pub can be traced back to 1834 which was 8 years after the bridge opened [1].  Cardwell's Brewery had the Bridge by 1897 and Wilsons then took the lease two years later, followed by Hardy Crown Brewery in about 1920 who rebuilt the pub as the building which still stands today next to the still open Prince of Wales.  The forlorn old Whitbread and Mercury Taverns pub was a Bass Charrington house in 1979 when there was a large Victorian-style room dedicated to photos of old Salford [1].

Bridge, Lower Broughton Road, Salford. (c) Google 2011. View Larger Map.

1. Salford Pubs - Part Two: Including Islington, Ordsall Lane and Ordsall, ldfield Road, Regent Road and Broughton, Neil Richardson (2003).

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