Thursday 22 September 2011

Grove, Every Street

Grove, Every Street, Ancoats, 1950s. (c) Neil Richardson [1].

The Grove was on the corner of Ancoats Grove and Every Street just off Great Ancoats Street, and it was the last of Every Street's pubs to be lost in 1981.  It opened in 1857 as a Pollard Street house then Wilsons had it, as shown here in 1970.  It had a terrible reputation and was nicknamed "the Dirty Shame [1]."

Former location of Grove, Every Street, Ancoats. (c) Google 2011 - View Larger Map.

1. The Old Pubs of Ancoats, Neil Richardson (1987).


  1. My Mum and Dad took over The Grove the summer of 76 the very day I left school I was 15 we had moved from Whalley Range I thought you could not get rougher than that , I was wrong. I soon slotted in with all the kids on the street and had great few years there. Next door use to be a bookies even a 10 year old could get a bet on. My Mum and Dad are now in their 70's living in Stretford and I'm living in Sydney Australia.

    1. Hi Paul, judging by what you say here, you are about 12 years younger than me - I was born and bred in Ancoats in 1949. In my youth I was drawn back to the area and I can vaguely remember visiting the Grove on more than one occasion but, if my memory serves, There were 2 pubs of the same name - the Top Grove and the Bottom Grove, is that right? The pub öf that same area I most frequented though was a place called "The Pineapple

  2. Me mam Dad drank in the grove pat and billy mason there both 68 now doing well. There from the old flats. Me grandad was joe twigg.

  3. My Mother Edith Fraser was born at the Odd Fellows Arms Every Street in 1903

    1. My great grandparents ran The Grove pub in early 1900s and my grandma served beer there in her teens until my great grandfather lost it for running an illegal gambling den...

    2. Ps.. The Atkinson family name
