Tuesday 8 February 2011

Tramps, Cross Street

This Tramps was a forerunner to the Tramps on Princess Street, and while a club at night it opened as a vast pub during the day.  The 1975 Pub Guide describes it as possibly Manchester's largest "pub" with five rooms and a separate "Pub Bar" flogging indifferent Tetley bitter, Double Diamond, Skol and Guinness completing the unappetising line-up of beers.  Apparently the Pub Bar was favoured by managers and directors while their younger underlings stayed in the other rooms at dinnertimes [1].  Tramps, at 15 Cross Street, also knocked out good salad and sandwiches, unlike the business that occupies this location today.

Subway, formerly Tramps, Cross Street. (c) googlemaps.

1. The Manchester Pub Guide, Manchester & Salford City Centres (1975).

1 comment:

  1. Worked in tramps around 1973 , great fun ,did front of house ,, remember a man who was a undertaker by day , called jack , large chap
