Thursday 10 February 2011

Golden Gate, Oxford Road Station Approach

Oxford Road Station Approach. (c) googlemaps.

Not sure exactly where the Golden Gate was on Oxford Road Station Approach, but the place has been mentioned by a few people now.  'Edtheball' at the Manchester Forum remembers the Golden Gate as a "class 'A' gaffe.  My old man - a Daily Express man - knew all the dodgy clubs, and he said that this one was haunted by an assortment of 'hooks, crooks and comic singers'. And after going in a few times - God, we must have been desperate - I knew what he meant [1]."



  1. I am not certain but surely the only place it could have been is where the coffee shop is now? I look forward to some knowledgeable type to confirm or deny.

  2. Golden gate club was on the right hand side as you walk up to the station entrance. The building is still there. The entrance was simply a door in the wall.

  3. I remember the Golden Gate well, having been a sort-of regular back in the late 80s when I was a student. For a yokel from Hampshire who thought haystacks were exciting, the place was like something from another dimension.

    To gain access, you had to ring a bell by some aircraft hangar-style doors that were about the width of a lift, before begrudgingly being allowed entry by a surly doorman after you'd signed 'A. Hitler' or something equally imaginative in the entry book. I'm reminded of more than a few bizarre incidents, notably something I couldn't believe I was witnessing involving a prostitute in a duffel coat and a fella who was clearly related to the bloke Albert Tatlock was based on in Coronation Street. Key moments featured a pool cue, a boy with the most ridiculous bumfluff moustache I've ever seen actually running out of the premises, and quite a lot of vomit.

    I also recall a couple attempting a knee trembler in the outer sitting area that no one ever used because it was so damp your feet actually sank into the floorboards if you stood still for too long.

    Truly appalling place. And I'd give anything to go there again.

  4. Thanks to Mellor and Hyphonium for clarification, and particularly the memories of this strange old place. Tick Tock, go an investigate! ;-)

  5. was in the golden gate club a few times in the early eightes had a good time met a few fellow irish people in there

  6. The Golden Gate was owned by John & Peggy Gordon . I worked the door there in the late 70s it was one hell of a place .Most of the drinkers in there where barred from the rest of the drinking clubs in town. Peggy had a son called Pat he worked the door of another afternoon drinking Club called the Penny Farthing he was one bad B*****d.

    1. My late father opened the Golden Gate in 1964 He and is partner fitted the whole place ouy at a cost of £2,000.00 I remember going there as a kid to bottle up in the Morning

    2. hi remember me paul and cath and there was steve porter/ Collin / you are one of 2 sisters you were only young

    3. hi again shirly or caroline I think we all went in the pub at the bottom of the steps after you dads club latter in the day paul

    4. John and Peggy Gordon had the Golden Gate after my Father and his Partner opened it

    5. Was your Father Johnny Doolies (I think that's how you spell it)or was he your dads partner

    6. My mum used to work at the Golden Gate for years, I remember her taking me there a few times as a child. I remember Peggy and her daughters Shirley and Caroline, they came to my mums 2nd wedding. Wow small work

  7. Drank there in the late seventies eighties doorway halfway up the concourse to Oxford rd station.well known by all the lads in Manchester for out of time drinking if your face was known

    1. Anonymous26 April 2017 at 14:46
      I used to work at the Palace theatre as a stagehand in the mid seventies and used to go to the golden gate after the show had finished.Dancing and drinking 'till the early hours with the cast and dancers from the show .Then back to the theatre for a couple of hours kip on the big sofas up in the gods .Then start work at 9-30am.Ahhh,those were the days!!!

  8. Does anyone remember drinking in mother macs little lever st back Piccadilly still call in now and again top lads pub in its day

    1. I remember the landlord murdering his family and the cleaning lady (coroner said she was dead unlucky!)then setting the place on fire.Very gruesome discovery in the dumb waiter and he had poured all the drink awy

    2. I was on that job and I remember who sent the stop knowing the gruesome find was not yet discovered

  9. My late father opened the Golden Gate in 1964 He and is partner fitted the whole place ouy at a cost of £2,000.00 I remember going there as a kid to bottle up in the Morning

    1. I know your dad John Doulas, he used to drive a silver Vauxhall GT coupe and smoke cigars. Didn’t he used to be an amateur wrestler??

  10. I used to work at the Palace theatre as a stagehand in the mid seventies and used to go to the golden gate after the show had finished.Dancing and drinking 'till the early hours with the cast and dancers from the show .Then back to the theatre for a couple of hours kip on the big sofas up in the gods .Then start work at 9-30am.Ahhh,those were the days!!!

  11. Great bar though. Had an accident there in 1976 , fell over and bottle broke, piercing my hand- was accompanied to Manchester Royal in a taxi -very grateful as I'd lost a lot of blood .

  12. I went out with Shirley Gordon the landladies daughter a couple of times when I was a young lad (CC from Withington). Lovely looking girl far too nice for me I think she traded me in for a fella with a car !
