Wednesday 19 January 2011

Piccadilly Hotel Plaza Bar, Piccadilly Plaza

Piccadilly Plaza Hotel. (c) Aidan O'Rourke.

Not really a place for the public these days, the bizarre looking Piccadilly Plaza hotel bar provided an expensive pint in comfortable surroundings for the public in the 1970s.  Piped music, air conditioning and the keg horror of Double Diamond and two strengths of Skol lager don't paint a positive picture.  Its main patrons were couples on an evening out in a posh setting (waiter service at weekends) [1].  Building of The Plaza was started in 1958 and was completed in 1965 and its renovation is detailed in this article by Manchester photographer Aidan O'Rourke [2].

1. The Manchester Pub Guide, Manchester & Salford City Centres (1975).

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