Tuesday 27 April 2010

Berlin / Asylum, King Street West

Berlin flyer, King Street West, 1984. (c) Manchester District Music Archive.

Berlin was a basement bar and club and is shown in these two 1986 photos from the Archives. It was a small, dark low-roofed place with one of the first dry ice machines in town and a big screen showing films and video footage. It was previously Blinkers, a members restaurant club, and later the Asylum.

Blinkers, King Street West, 1978. (c) Manchester District Music Archive.

Asylum, King Street West, 1987. (c) dubwise-er at MDMA.

The exact site of Berlin was probably this building, Pierre Alexandra the hairdressers, as judged by the pipes on the outside of the building, which don't seem to have changed since the 1986 photos above.

Site of Berlin, King Street West. (c) googlemaps.

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