Tuesday 1 October 2013

Pomona Palace, Cornbrook Road

Pomona Palace, Cornbrook Road, Cornbrook, Hulme. (c) Pubs of Manchester.

The Pomona Palace is a recent closure with the boards having gone up in summer 2013.  Some expected this is to be a temporary measure until the football season started up again and match day trade would boost the coffers.  However, this has not happened, so the Pomona Palace joins the Hope Inn which closed a couple of years ago, and some which were lost a little longer ago, the Railway, the Turville and the recently burnt-out and demolished Bulls Head.  

Pomona Palace, Cornbrook Road, Cornbrook, Hulme. (c) Adam B. at flickr.

This corner of town, on the edge of Hulme and near the start of Old Trafford, is now entirely pub-free, whereas only a few decades ago it was a locally famous pub crawl, also taking in the Cornbrook Inn, the Manchester Regiment and the Star estate pubs, not to mention the boat, North Westward Ho.  It's surprising that no pubs can make a go of this potentially lucrative location on the way to Old Trafford football and cricket grounds, which see millions of visitors per year.

Pomona Palace, Cornbrook Road. (c) Pubs of Manchester.

I remember a late night (early morning) lock-in at the Pomona Palace some years ago but I don't recall the beer offering.  It was a Taylor's Eagle house in 1961 when it had more neighbours, as seen in 1966.  Go back further and the Pomona Palace and its famous gardens which gave the pub its name once stood here until the Manchester Ship Canal was constructed during the 1870s and '80s.  This ghostly image shows where the palace once stood:

Pomona Palace. (c) Edward Patton at Architecture & Urbanism [1].


  1. This is dreadful news, The Pomona was an excellent pub serving well-kept Marstons. A terrible loss.

  2. I can only think that the lack of regular daytime trade has seen off the likes of the Pomona.

  3. I liked it there. A welcoming crowd, cheap booze done for it really and nobody's going to walk down the truncated section of ch ester road to the ground. The average supported drives straight back to cheshire after the game.

  4. My mum's aunt and uncle ran the pub in the 40s and 50s , would love to hear if anyone met them

    1. Was the Surname Stone. I have a photo from 1945 with then on with my family.

  5. Used to go to the pub every lunchtime for 2 or 3 pints of Marstons Bitter and a sandwich when working at Paul Bachouse motor spares round the corner. (Now Williams BMW service depot). Wonderful friendly pub and landlord in the 1980s.
