Tuesday 15 November 2011

Langworthy, Langworthy Road

Langworthy, Langworthy Road, Salford, 1990. (c) deltrems at flickr [1].

The Langworthy Hotel was opened on Langworthy Road in 1900 by Threlfalls Brewery, "the finest house in the district, beautifully decorated" with a billiard room and rare public telephone [2].

Langworthy Hotel, Langworthy Road. (c) Salford Pubs of the 70s at flickr [3].

Pictured here in the 1970s by the brilliant Salford Pubs of the 70s [3], it named after this part of Salford and the road which cuts north to south from Eccles New Road to Broad Street.

Langworthy Hotel, Langworthy Road, 1973. (c) Salford Pubs of the 70s at flickr [3].

In 1985 Whitbread refurbished the Langworthy Hotel as simply the Langworthy, and it served the local area until 1993 when it became a hostel for a few years before sitting sadly empty ever since.

Langworthy, Langworthy Road. (c) Bill Boaden at geograph under Creative Commons.

In recent years, various schemes have been advertised for the Langworthy, not least by the last owners who claimed it could be "an integral part of the new urban village centre's revitalization [4]."

Langworthy, Langworthy Road. (c) Google 2013. View Larger Map.

How sad that earlier this year, its demolition was considered the best option "to improve the attractiveness of the site to potential investors [4]."

Langworthy, Langworthy Road, Salford. (c) Salford Star.

Rather than look to blame an unscrupulous pub company and their ruthless property magnate tactics, Langworthy locals have been more angry at those closer to home.

Langworthy, Langworthy Road. (c) MEN.

In 2000 Salford City Council bought the pub for more than £400,000, but have allowed it to deteriorate to such an extent that, as of March 2011, it has been approved for demolition (by the same council) [5]. 

Langworthy, Langworthy Road. (c) Google 2013. View Larger Map.

A recent article in Manchester Confidential starts out:  "As I sit waiting for Hazel Blears MP in her Langworthy office, my view is of a derelict pub, about to be demolished [6]."  

Langworthy, Langworthy Road. (c) Google 2013. View Larger Map.

"The Langworthy, as it was, is a huge, imposing building.  But in its current state, it acts as a stark reminder of the struggles the pub trade is facing and how its role as community hub is slowly being eroded [6]."  Quite.

Former location of Langworthy, Langworthy Road. (c) Google 2013. View Larger Map.

1. www.flickr.com/photos/deltrems.
2. Salford Pubs Part Three: Including Ordsall, Cross Lane, Broad Street, Hanky Park, the Height, Brindleheath, Charlestown and Weaste, Neil Richardson (1997).
3. www.flickr.com/photos/61756486@N05.

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