Sunday 3 July 2011

Frascati, Oxford Road

Frascati, Oxford Road, 1951. (c) Bob Potts [1].

Frascati was an Italian pub-cum-restaurant (referred to in some records as Frascati's Restaurant) on Oxford Road.  The pub was a Walker & Homfray then Wilsons Brewery house and closed in 1965 having formerly been known as Cima's Restaurant [1].  It's shown here at the archives in 1956 (the hung sign says "Bar & Lounge").  Frascati was a grand looking pub on the corner of Rosamond Street East.  Both the buildings and the street have been lost; the route is still there but pedestrianised down the site of the Manchester Aquatics Centre (out of shot to the left).

Former location of Frascati, Oxford Road. (c) googlemaps.

1. The Old Pubs of Hulme and Chorlton-on-Medlock, Bob Potts (1997).

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