Thursday 14 January 2010

Rising Sun, Swan Street

Rising Sun, Swan Street. (c) Band on the Wall.

The Rising Sun is pictured here in 1934 looking rather shut, though note them nice posters for King George IV whiskey, Belle Vue and Guinness. In Ancoats Lad is a much better photo of the pub, with the large sign at the top proudly displaying "Concert Room" and the signs either side of the door advertising Empress Ales and Dunvilles whisky. The Rising Sun is described as a popular market pub that never shut - "you could have a night's kip in there if you didn't mind the rats running under the forms and all over the place. The old-fashioned hawkers drank every penny they earned and their wives would come down to the market on a Monday morning. I'd say, 'I haven't seen him,' and the wife would shriek, 'The bastard, I'll kill him! He's never been home all weekend" The kids is there! They've had nowt to eat! I've not paid the rent!' He'd been in the Rising Sun all weekend, supping!" [1].

1. Ancoats Lad, Mick Burke / Frank Heaton (1996).


  1. Can anyone tell me what the physical address of the Rising Sun Inn was? I am looking for a Rising Sun Inn that was in business in 1911 in Knott Lanes, Lee, Oldham. I know this is a longshot. Thanks.

  2. 66 Swan Street, Manchester
